1,335 research outputs found

    Cuatrociénegas: conflictos asociados al turismo en un área natural protegida

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    En el Área de Protección de Flora y Fauna de Cuatrociénegas, Coahuila, una de las áreas protegidas con mayor actividad turística en México, se estudiaron entre los años 2008 y 2014 los conflictos derivados de la dinámica turística desde una perspectiva espacial y con base en una metodología de triangulación que combinó la observación participante con entrevistas a actores clave y dos encuestas, una a pobladores locales y otra a visitantes. El estudio evidenció que el desarrollo del turismo en Cuatrociénegas ha ido acompañado de efectos negativos sobre el medio ambiente físico, la economía y la dinámica social, los cuales pasan inadvertidos para turistas y pobladores locales. Los primeros, aunque saben que visitan una ANP, no son conscientes de los servicios ambientales que presta a la sociedad en general y de la responsabilidad que tienen de contribuir a protegerla. Por su parte, los segundos afirman terminantemente que el turismo es un factor de desarrollo y pocas veces cuestionan los intereses de quienes se benefician de esta actividad

    Virtualization and network mirroring to deliver High Availability to Grid services

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    12 páginas, 4 figuras.-- Trabajo presentado al 4rd Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conference celebrado en Braga (Portugal) del 24 al 27 de mayo de 2010.Nowadays virtualization has become a commonly adopted so- lution within modern datacenters. Its advantages over traditional machines are widely known. In this paper we describe the work done at the IFCA facilities to implement an auto healing mechanism to a given set of Virtual Machines (VMs) by using disk mirroring over network. The resulting system is a secure, robust and fast failover mechanism that is able to perform an unattended commute of the execution host of a given set of VMs in case of any failure.Peer reviewe

    Frouros: A Python library for drift detection in machine learning systems

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    Frouros is an open-source Python library capable of detecting drift in machine learning systems. It provides a combination of classical and more recent algorithms for drift detection: both concept and data drift. We have designed it with the objective of making it compatible with any machine learning framework and easily adaptable to real-world use cases. The library is developed following a set of best development and continuous integration practices to ensure ease of maintenance and extensibility. The source code is available at https://github.com/IFCA/frouros.Comment: 11 pages, 1 tabl

    Modeling driving experience in smart traffic routing scenarios: application to traffic multi-map routing

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    The effectiveness of user-oriented traffic routing applications to mitigate traffic congestion in Intelligent Transportation Systems depends on their degree of adoption, which usually evolves depending on subjective and exogenous factors. This paper proposes a user experience and social dynamics model to analyze and evaluate traffic routing methods, based on fuzzy rules and discrete choice theory. The model has been applied to the optimal Traffic-Weighted Multi-Maps (TWM) routing method to evaluate the adoption dynamics and analyze convergence towards the system optimum. Route unfairness and resistance to change are also considered in the model. Experimental results are obtained simulating the evolution of the drivers' population behavior. Simulation is carried over synthetic and real networks, using optimized TWM maps. The experimental results show how the TWM system evolves to a stationary System Optimum, improving overall traffic congestion and showing how User Equilibrium variability is bounded as it depends on user routing choices influenced by behavioral patterns

    Application of traffic weighted multi-map optimization strategies to traffic assignment

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    Traffic Assignment Problem (TAP) is a critical issue for transportation and mobility models that deals mainly with the calculus and delivery of best-cost routes for the trips in a traffic network. It is a computationally complex problem focused on finding user equilibrium (UE) and system optimum (SO). The Traffic Weighted Multi-Maps (TWM) technique offers a new perspective for TAP calculus, based on routing decisions using different traffic network views. These TWM are complementary cost maps that combine physical traffic networks, traffic occupation data, and routing policies. This paper shows how evolutionary algorithms can find optimal cost maps that solve TAP from the SO perspective, minimizing total travel time and providing the best-cost routes to vehicles. Several strategies are compared: a baseline algorithm that optimizes the whole network and two algorithms based on extended k-shortest path mappings. Algorithms are analyzed following a simulation-optimization methodology over synthetic and real traffic networks. Obtained results show that TWM algorithms generate solutions close to the static UE traffic assignment methods at a reasonable computational cost. A crucial aspect of TWM is its good performance in terms of optimal routing at the system level, avoiding the need for continuous route calculus based on traffic status data streamin

    Adaptive cell-based evacuation systems for leader-follower crowd evacuation

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    The challenge of controlling crowd movement at large events expands not only to the realm of emergency evacuations but also to improving non-critical conditions related to operational efficiency and comfort. In both cases, it becomes necessary to develop adaptive crowd motion control systems. In particular, adaptive cell-based crowd evacuation systems dynamically generate exit-choice recommendations favoring a coordinated group dynamic that improves safety and evacuation time. We investigate the viability of using this mechanism to develop a ‘‘leader-follower’’ evacuation system in which a trained evacuation staff guides evacuees safely to the exit gates. To validate the proposal, we use a simulation–optimization framework integrating microscopic simulation. Evacuees’ behavior has been modeled using a three-layered architecture that includes eligibility, exit-choice changing, and exit-choice models, calibrated with hypothetical-choice experiments. As a significant contribution of this work, the proposed behavior models capture the influence of leaders on evacuees, which is translated into exitchoice decisions and the adaptation of speed. This influence can be easily modulated to evaluate the evacuation efficiency under different evacuation scenarios and evacuees’ behavior profiles. When measuring the efficiency of the evacuation processes, particular attention has been paid to safety by using pedestrian Macroscopic Fundamental Diagrams (p-MFD), which model the crowd movement dynamics from a macroscopic perspective. The spatiotemporal view of the evacuation performance in the form of crowd-pressure vs. density values allowed us to evaluate and compare safety in different evacuation scenarios reasonably and consistently. Experimental results confirm the viability of using adaptive cell-based crowd evacuation systems as a guidance tool to be used by evacuation staff to guide evacuees. Interestingly, we found that evacuation staff motion speed plays a crucial role in balancing egress time and safety. Thus, it is expected that by instructing evacuation staff to move at a predefined speed, we can reach the desired balance between evacuation time, accident probability, and comfort

    Diseño e implementación de un afinador cromático para guitarra

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    El objetivo que persigue este Proyecto es la creación de un afinador analógico y un afinador cromático digital para guitarra. Una vez construidos se procederá a la realización de un estudio valorando los puntos fuertes y débiles de ambos modelos. Para ambos afinadores se probarán diferentes circuitos para cada una de sus etapas, siendo estas adquisición, acondicionamiento, tratamiento e indicación. En el afinador cromático digital se empleará una placa de evaluación TM4C1294 de la serie Tiva C para el tratamiento de la señal, donde se calculará la frecuencia fundamental de la señal mediante la realización de su transformada de Fourier. Así mismo el presente Proyecto presenta un alto carácter didáctico ya que se orienta al posible uso en futuras ediciones de asignaturas de electrónica impartidas por el Departamento de Tecnología Electrónica de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.The main target in this Project is the implementation of an analogic guitar tuner and a chromatic digital tuner, both for guitar. Once they are designed, a study assessing the strengths and weaknesses of both designs is presented. For both tuners, different test circuits are designed for each of their stages: acquisition, conditioning, signal processing and user’s interface. The chromatic digital tuner uses the Tiva C series TM4C1294 launchpad for signal processing, which will calculate the signal fundamental frequency by using Fourier transformation. In this way this Project also brings a high instructive character, so their results are intended to be used in future editions for some electronics subjects lectured at Electronics Technology Department in Madrid’s Carlos III University.Ingeniería Industria

    Multiple-Input-Single-Output prediction models of crowd dynamics for Model Predictive Control (MPC) of crowd evacuations

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    Predicting crowd dynamics in real-time may allow the design of adaptive pedestrian flow control mechanisms that prioritize attendees? safety and overall experience. Single-Input-SingleOutput (SISO) AutoRegresive eXogenous (ARX) prediction models of crowd dynamics have been effectively used in Linear Model Predictive Controllers (MPC) that adaptively regulate the movement of people to avoid overcrowding. However, an open research question is whether Multiple-Input, State-space, and Nonlinear modeling approaches may improve MPC control performance through better prediction capabilities. This paper considers a simulated controlled evacuation scenario, where evacuees in a long corridor dynamically receive speed instructions to modulate congestion at the exits. We aim to investigate Multiple-Input-Single-Output (MISO) prediction models such that the inputs are the control action (speed recommendation) and pedestrian flow measurement, and the output is the local density of the pedestrian outflow. State-space and Input?output MISO models, linear and neural, are identified using a datadriven approach in which input?output datasets are generated from strategically designed microscopic evacuation simulations. Different estimation algorithms, including the subspace method, prediction error minimization, and regularized AutoRegressive eXogenous (ARX) model reduction, are evaluated and compared. Finally, to investigate the importance of measuring and modeling the pedestrian inflow, the case in which the models? structure is defined as a Single-Input-Single-Output (SISO) system has been explored, where the pedestrian inflow is considered an unmeasured input disturbance. This study has important implications for the design of more effective MPC controllers for regulating pedestrian flows. We found that the prediction error minimization algorithm performs best and that nonlinear state-space modeling does not improve prediction performance. The study suggests that modeling the inner state of the evacuation process through a state-space model positively influences predicting system dynamics. Also, modeling pedestrian inflow improves prediction performance from a predefined prediction horizon value. Overall, linear state-space models have been deemed the most suitable option in corridor-type scenariosUAH-Catedra MANED

    Nuevos sistemas hápticos para la evocación de emociones en eventos audiovisuales en personas con discapacidad auditiva

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    Day by day the current society is more aware of the existing barriers to impaired people. The difficulties they face are not only architectural, such as stairs, traffic lights without acoustic warning or information panels without Braille writing, but also cultural, such as the lack of subtitles, audio description and sign language in regular television programming, including on-demand television. All these obstacles limit access to culture and prevent the full enjoyment of both culture and information. The performing arts also suffer from this lack of accessibility. Incorporating greater accessibility in the performing arts for the hearing-impaired will favour access to cultural material, fostering the integration of the group and raising awareness among the population. The auditory channel is fundamental for the emotional activation caused by audio-visual stimuli. In particular, music, a basic support in any medium to reinforce the evocation of the desired emotion, is a purely auditory channel. If this channel is lost, there is a loss of information that causes the emotional activation contained in the music not to occur and, therefore, an alternative channel is needed. Tactile stimulation has been found to be a viable means of replacing the auditory channel due to their psychophysical similarities, both sound and vibration are perceived as vibratory stimuli, the receptors of these senses being sensitive to pressure and able to distinguish their frequencies. For years, the entertainment industry has been developing devices that, with the support of haptic stimuli, offer an augmented experience of, for example, video games. Likewise, 4D cinemas also use haptic stimulation, among other stimuli, to make the viewer feel immersed in the projection. None of these ways take the music into account, and that is where our research begins. The focus of this project is the design of devices, aimed at people with hearing impairment, which can transmit the emotions evoked by music. In this way, in the future, we will achieve, the total inclusion of impaired people in any social activity. As this topic has a wider scope than a pure engineering research, this work has been divided into three main sections that are presented in detail, providing a basis for the whole subject. The first section covers the theoretical basis on which this research is based, explaining what are the emotions, what generates them and where their processing is located in the cerebral cortex. To record these activations, measured as electrical potentials, the different techniques used are presented, with their pros and cons. Here we will link to the power of music to generate emotions, and the scientific databases that serve for standardization in the comparison of measurements of emotions evoked by audio-visual media. As the focus of this work is people with hearing impairment, music, which has a clear auditory component, will have to be transmitted through an alternative channel, such as touch, a sense with psychophysical characteristics similar to the auditory one. Therefore, we will delve into the physiology of this sense, the current technology for its stimulation and examples of devices that have been used in different investigations. In the second section we will explain the design process of the tools, both hardware and software, used in this work, which purpose is the evocation of emotions through haptic stimulation. As the path of this research has been long, the designed devices have evolved along the work itself and therefore the development of the different systems is presented. In the last section, we present the different clinical tests performed, the process of recording brain activation and the results for of each of them. Every device is discussed in depth and related to the tests performed, facilitating the understanding of the previous section and helping the global vision of the work. In view of the achieved results, we will conclude that the integration of simple multimodal stimuli, visual and vibro-tactile, helps to enhance the activation of emotional processes similar to the activation by musical stimulation in normal-hearing people. It has also been concluded that multimodal visual and vibro-tactile stimulation reinforces both attentional and emotional processes. This paves the way to a future implementation of simple systems that can help the hearing-impaired people to fully enjoy an audio-visual event, a result with a huge impact in this community.Día a día la sociedad actual es más consciente de las barreras existentes a personas con discapacidad. Las dificultades a las que se enfrentan no son sólo arquitectónicas, como pueden escaleras, semáforos sin aviso acústico o paneles informativos sin escritura en Braille, sino también culturales, como puede ser la falta de subtítulos, Audiodescripción y lengua de signos en la programación habitual de la televisión, incluida la televisión bajo demanda. Todas estas trabas limitan el acceso a la cultura e impiden que se pueda disfrutar plenamente tanto de la cultura como de la información. Las artes escénicas, por su lado, también adolecen de esta falta de accesibilidad. Incorporando una mayor accesibilidad en las artes escénicas para las personas con deficiencias auditivas se favorecerá el acceso al material cultural fomentando la integración del colectivo y sensibilizando a la población. El canal auditivo es fundamental para la activación emocional provocada por estímulos audiovisuales. En concreto la música, apoyo básico en cualquier medio para reforzar la evocación de la emoción deseada, es un canal meramente auditivo. Si se pierde este canal, se produce una pérdida de información que provoca que la activación emocional contenida en la música no llegue a producirse y, por lo tanto, se necesite un canal alternativo. Se ha comprobado que la estimulación táctil es un medio viable para sustituir el canal auditivo debido a sus similitudes psicofísicas, tanto el sonido como la vibración se perciben como estímulos vibratorios, siendo los receptores de estos sentidos sensibles a presión y capaces de distinguir sus frecuencias. La industria del ocio lleva años desarrollando dispositivos que, bajo el apoyo de estímulos hápticos, ofrezcan una experiencia aumentada de, por ejemplo, los video juegos. Así mismo, los cines 4D, también emplean estimulación háptica, entre otros estímulos, para conseguir que el espectador se vea inmerso en la proyección. Ninguna de estas vías, tienen en cuenta la música, y es ahí donde comienza nuestra investigación. La idea que fundamenta este proyecto es el diseño de dispositivos, dirigidos a personas con discapacidad auditiva, que puedan transmitir las emociones que evocan la música. De esta forma, en un futuro, conseguiremos, entre todos, la inclusión total de las personas con discapacidad a cualquier actividad social. Como este tema excede el alcance de una mera investigación de ingeniería, se ha divido este trabajo en tres secciones principales que se exponen en detalle, dando base a toda la temática. En la primera de las secciones se abarca la base teórica en la que se sustenta esta investigación, se explica qué son las emociones, que las genera y dónde se localiza su procesamiento en la corteza cerebral. Para medir estas activaciones, medidas como potenciales eléctricos, se exponen las diferentes técnicas empleadas, con sus pros y contras. Aquí enlazaremos con el poder de la música para generar emociones, y las bases de datos científicas que sirven para la estandarización en la comparación de las mediciones de las emociones evocadas por los medios audiovisuales. Como el enfoque de este trabajo son las personas con discapacidad auditiva, la música, que tiene un claro componente auditivo, habrá que transmitirla a través de un canal alternativo, como es el tacto, sentido con características psicofísicas similares al auditivo. Por ello profundizaremos en la fisiología de este sentido, la tecnología actual para su estimulación y ejemplos de dispositivos que se han empleado en diferentes investigaciones. En la segunda sección se explicará el proceso del diseño de las herramientas, tanto hardware como software, empleadas en este trabajo cuyo fin es la evocación emociona a través de estimulación háptica. Como el camino de esta investigación ha sido largo, los dispositivos diseñados han evolucionado a lo largo del propio trabajo y se presenta el desarrollo de los diferentes sistemas. En la última sección, presentamos las diferentes pruebas clínicas realizadas, el proceso de registro de la activación cerebral y los resultados de cada una de estas. Se profundiza y relaciona cada dispositivo con las pruebas realizadas, facilitando la comprensión de la sección anterior y ayudando a visión global del trabajo. A la vista de los resultados alcanzados, podemos concluir que la integración estímulos simples multimodales, visual y vibro-táctil, ayudan a potenciar la activación de procesos emocionales similares a la activación ante estimulación musical. También se ha llegado a la conclusión que la estimulación multimodal, visual y vibro-táctil, refuerza tanto los procesos atencionales como los procesos emocionales. Estos resultados abren el camino para futuros desarrollos que permitan que una persona con discapacidad auditiva pueda disfrutar plenamente de un evento audiovisual, lo que generará un gran impacto para este colectivo.Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y Automática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Eva Bermejo Sánchez.- Secretario: José Antonio Belloch Rodríguez.- Vocal: Javier Pérez Tejer

    Integration of Apache Mesos over GPUs resources in the DEEP Hybrid DataCloud project

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    Trabajo presentado a IBERGRID: Delivering Innovative Computing and Data services to Researchers, celebrado en Santiago de Compostela (España) del 23 al 26 de septiembre de 2019.DEEP Hybrid DataCloud project was proposed with the necessity to support different amount of intensive computing techniques over specialized hardware, like HPC or GPUs. The project focus on the integration of this specialized, and expensive, hardware under a Cloud Platform as OpenStack that can be used on-demand by researchers of different areas. Within this project, a set of building blocks whose solution is called >DEEP as a Service> was implemented to make the application deployment more easier for the user. For this development, it is necessary to provide the researchers with access to these technologies as friendly but powerful services able to exploit very large datasets. On the one hand we have the gpu resources and on the other hand the users and their applications to run over those resources. DEEP needs to provide a service that controls how users can use those resources in an efficiently way. Although there are multiple technologies that address this problem as a queuing system, Apache Mesos has been developed to do it in an effective and controlled manner. Apache Mesos is a technology that abstracts the resources from different machines, like cpu, gpu, ram and storage to provide a scheduling and distributed system across the whole cloud environment. Mesos is easily to deploy over cpu-based systems but gpu needs a more tricky configuration as it is shown in this solution. As an added value, this solution provides an apache2 configuration for authenticate users from different communities by the current AAI service in DEEP. The proposed presentation will show the design and deployment of Mesos to work over gpus resources inside the Deep Hybrid DataCloud Project scope.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 777435